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by itexmarchond 2021. 3. 4. 16:39


Aaron M Sprecher/Bloomberg via Getty Images hide captionMatt Scullin's company, Alphabet Energy, is working on technology to convert waste heat into electricity.. One factor working in Scullin's favor: There's plenty of waste heat out there to be harvested.

That was on display his very first days as an engineering undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Thermoelectrics haven't attracted much attention in the alternative-energy world, but Scullin seems to be drawn to areas others have overlooked.. "And computer science had 30 kids crowded around the table and one professor Mechanical engineering was similar.. "Scullin liked developing new materials, so when he finished up at Penn he headed out to UC Berkeley for a graduate degree. Autodesk Revit 2017 Product Key

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Alphabet Energy hide captionA thermoelectric PowerCard like this one can be used to convert waste heat into an electric power source, Alphabet Energy says.. Never heard of thermoelectrics? Don't feel bad They tend to have rather esoteric uses.. "We waste heat because of the laws of thermodynamics," he says Matt Scullin's company, Alphabet Energy, is working on technology to convert waste heat into electricity.. Aaron M Sprecher/Bloomberg via Getty ImagesThose laws state that it's impossible to use the energy in fuel to power a car or generate electricity without some of that energy going to waste.. Scullin says there's a new class of thermoelectrics developed at Michigan State University made from a compound called tetrahedrite that can do a better job for less money.. What if there were a way to take the waste heat that spews from car tailpipes or power plant chimneys and turn it into electricity? Matt Scullin thinks there is, and he's formed a company to turn that idea into a reality.. Rather than pursue this in an academic setting, Scullin wanted to have a more tangible impact, so he decided to start a business, although his business training was rather idiosyncratic.. And then the material science table had no students at it, and two professors So I said I'd better go there, and figure out what's going on.. At Berkeley he began to get interested in the world of alternative energy And then he realized that developing new thermoelectric devices was a way to merge his expertise in materials with his interest in energy.. "At orientation, there was a table set up for every major in the engineering school," he says. ae05505a44 Download Chatting Apps For Pc